Meet The Team- Ricardo Balbontin


The accounts team has a lot to handle, but you might not know what exactly it is they do. We did interviews with the team to get to know them better! Learn more about Ricardo and his hard work with the U.S. accounts.

Ricardo is one of our veterans in the accounts department. Having worked with U.S. companies before made him the perfect person to manage Advocate Art Inc. and Astound US Inc. accounts. He is someone you always want next to you since he has the answers to everything, including IT queries! Outside of work, paddling and sailing are two of his biggest passions. He also loves trekking in the countryside with his wife and dog.


What is your role at Accounts Admin?

I manage American agencies (INC & AST) and Singapore (Yeon).


What is a typical workday for you?

Normally, I check my inbox and reply to the most urgent emails, then I start with regular tasks, like cash posting, bank reconciliation, artist payment, etc. After lunch, I concentrate on credit control.


How did you get into account administration?

I studied Business and Administration, and all my previous jobs were related to my career. When I moved from Prague to Marbella, I got the possibility to work with Advocate. 


What are you known for amongst your co-workers? (work wise) 

The man of all answers or speedy Gonzalez


What is something you wish people knew about your role?

American companies are one of the biggest agencies and sometimes is quite challenging to get everything up to date and under control.


What do you like most about working with talent agencies and creative businesses? 

Creative people are always providing new ideas which helps a lot in a dynamic environment.


Do you consider yourself creative? At work or personally?

Personally, I am not very creative but at work, I use my imagination to create better and faster procedures to make our lives easier.


Where do you work from? (General location/ time zone) and What is your favourite part about this area?

I always work from Spain, but I combined working from home and from the coworking space we have in Seville.


What advice would you give to artists or authors managing their own accounts?

Organization is key, sometimes the artists are so focused on the creative side, that they leave the admin side a bit forgotten.


What is one piece of advice you think would help artists/authors you work with have the best experience with Accounts Admin?

It would help if they knew what we do daily for them, how hard we work to get the funds in, to provide them support, etc.